Statutory purposes

Our organisation is primarily active to provide support in special disaster situations


We pursue charitable and non-profit purposes

© Carpathian Foundation

The purpose of the association is:


    1. the altruistic support for persons who on account of their physical, mental or emotional state are dependent upon the assistance of others
    2. the advancement of aid for disaster victims, emergency aid and reconstruction aid
    3. the advancement of relief for people with disabilities, for victims of crime as well as for war and disaster victims
    4. the advancement of fire prevention, disaster control and civil defense as well as the advancement of life saving
    5. the advancement of assistance to young and old people
    6. the advancement of upbringing, adult education and vocational training
    7. the advancement of public health
    8. the advancement of public welfare, in particular of the purposes of the officially recognized voluntary welfare associations
    9. the advancement of nature conservation, of environmental protection and of the protection of animals
    10. the advancement of active citizenship in support of public-benefit and charitable purposes