Earthquake Türkiye & Syria

Overview of the situation:

On 6 February, two severe earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.8 shook southern Türkiye and north-western Syria. There was destruction and casualties – this is one of the deadliest natural disasters of the century.

More than 20 million people have already been affected and the World Health Organisation (WHO) expects the number to rise to 23 million. So far, more than 50,000 people have lost their lives and tens of thousands more have been injured. In view of the devastating destruction of infrastructure and the homelessness of millions of people, help was needed immediately.

We are helping those most affected by the disasters.
@ ADRA e.V.
@ ADRA e.V.

How we support.

We have received a large number of donations that have already enabled us to carry out important initial aid measures to support the local population. We prioritise the strengthening and support of various sectors and social groups. So far, the main focus has been on projects for the direct supply of essential goods, the provision of medical equipment, support for children and young people and the reconstruction of critical infrastructure.


Further measures are being planned and implemented.

Our previous projects

Engagement in Türkiye

Together with our partner Darüşşafaka, we support the education of disadvantaged children in Turkey and provide them with vital resources and help to rebuild schools. In This way, the children can be given a better support and future emergencies can be dealt with quickly and effectively.

Together with our partner ACEV, we advocate for women by actively supporting them through early childhood education and development. This involves setting up child education centres, offering support to parents, providing training programmes and advocating for policies that prioritise the well-being of children and families in order to promote a better future for women and children in Türkiye.

Together with the Turkish education foundation TEV Türkiye, we are supporting those severely affected by the consequences of the earthquake. In order to improve the educational opportunities of disadvantaged children and young people we are providing scholarships to students.

With our in-kind donation to the “Public Hospital Association” in Türkiye, we were able to improve healthcare in the region with medical equipment.

Engagement in Syria

Together with our partner organisation Zeltschule e.V., we are committed to education in crisis areas. We support children in Syrian refugee camps with tent classes, schools, tutoring and aid distribution, we improve educational opportunities and offer the children prospects.

Together with Orienthelfer e.V., we are implementing educational projects and providing humanitarian aid in Syria. We run schools and education centres that offer children and young people prospects.

Together with Arche Nova e.V., we are providing humanitarian aid in Syria. Our cooperation focusses on water, hygiene, nutrition and health. Based on many years of support for those affected by the earthquake through well construction, food distribution, medical care and educational programmes, we are improving future prospects and basic needs such as clean water and food.

Betroffene Menschen in Syrien werden von uns und unserem Partner ADRA e.V. mit diversen Hilfsprojekten unterstützt. So wurden Schulen in Aleppo umgewandelt, medizinische Hilfe bereitgestellt und Wasseranlagen repariert. Auch psychosoziale Unterstützung für Flüchtlinge in der Türkei wurde geleistet. Weitere langfristige Projekte zum Wiederaufbau der Infrastruktur sind geplant.

Zusammen mit unserem Partner UNICEF erreichten wir fast 765.800 Menschen in Syrien und haben dazu beigetragen, den Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser wiederherzustellen, die Grundbedürfnisse in Würde zu erfüllen und die wirtschaftliche Lage zu verbessern. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt der Bildung und dem Wiederaufbau von Schulen. So wurden in 27 Schulen Wassertanks installiert, wodurch fast 18 600 Schulkinder Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser erhielten.